Five Times Increase in Number of Active Top Managers in Training Programme
Improve the user experience of the learning environment and develop a transparent ranking system.

Research the pain points and needs of the target audience and develop new visuals for the training and motivation center in the Sberbank digital environment.
Sberbank Corporate University trains managers of Sberbank Group and partner organisations. There are over 45,000 people and 500 corporate competencies programmes.

In this project, we worked with the programme dedicated to the leadership competencies and hard skills for managers of the Sberbank retail unit. Its employees work with regular clients: they help make transfers, pay for services, get loans, make deposits, improve living conditions, exchange currency, execute operations with precious metals.
Update the training system for the Sberbank retail unit, improve the user experience of the learning environment, and develop a transparent ranking system. With quarantine measures introduced in the spring of 2020, we had to make this programme in the online format.

We wanted the heads of the retail unit to have a conscious approach to self-development, understand the importance of leadership competencies and feel like mini-CEOs inside Sberbank.
Lack of understanding of the entire training programme, its goals and benefits
Low engagement rate
Sabotaged and non-transparent ranking system
Complicated learning environment
We researched the pain points of the target audience and created its persona model and Learning Journey Map. To resolve some of the pain points right away, we launched the programme’s MVP. Simultaneously, we were developing a new visual design of training and a motivation center in the Sberbank digital environment.
Target Audience Research
The study identified three main types of barriers.
 — Semantic: related to the goals of the programme and the formation of the ranking
 — Engagement: loose format and inconvenient time of events
 — Process: lack of motivation to be a leader in the programme
These points were considered in the technical solution.
Technical Solution MVP
As the programme for the retail block’s leaders was already underway, we structured the contents and built a website during the development of the primary technical solution. It shows the whole training track, the contents of each module and has an option for registration for events.
Stream (module) guide
Schedule and speakers
Ranking page
Page with goals, results, and a competency map of each stream
“Leader Club” Digital Environment
We’ve moved the retail unit training into a new gamified environment. This interactive dashboard reflects all the user’s indicators, a learning navigator, game modules to increasing motivation and engagement, and event registration in two clicks.
Motivation Management Center
Interactive Learning Map
Game world with integrated Sberbank’s values
Ranking and awards, team course completion modules
Transparent Ranking System
Our methodologists have fully upgraded the ranking system. We’ve implemented a cross-cutting league system to track personal progress and general competitive mechanics, explained what one could earn points for and added rewards for making it into the top leagues.
League system — personal progress
Bonuses for teamwork
Transparent rules of earning points
Competitive personal and team ranking
The new format and transition into online helped build a community of active users. The target audience has become more involved: at the start of the programme — 20 active participants, after introducing the motivation management center and the transition to online — about 100. This is over a half of all participants.

The dashboard allows working with the product’s value: people understand what they’ll receive during a particular training event and what skills they’ll develop during the programme. They can track their progress and place in the ranking.

Nadezhda Fomina
Sberbank University
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