First Interactive Social Sports Conference
for Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation
We helped organise and hold the first conference on social sports, created a social projects database and a platform for exchanging experiences.
The social sports programme "The Power of Sports" is a novelty in the portfolio of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. Its key element is a conference dedicated to social sports.

It’s a problem that there’s no platform in Russia where representatives of NPOs, universities, sports schools, and other organisations can communicate and share their experience. People have no idea how many allies they have and how they can help each other. Tackling this issue, the foundation organised a conference "Sports and Society. Open Conversation". We helped hold it online and launched the platform.
The conference brought together people engaged in social sports in Russia for the first time. To attract more people and create a platform for future communication, we had to complete three tasks.
Engage participants in the conference
Since the event is new and the subject is complex, it’s crucial to keep participants' attention as long as possible and engage them in an active format. Passive listening wasn’t an option.
Organise private digital rooms with speakers
One format is a dialogue with the speaker. It was necessary to create this opportunity on the platform and motivate participants to use it.
Create a project exhibition online
The platform had to be an aggregator of social sports projects so that colleagues could see each other’s experiences and find valuable contacts. It was necessary to present all these projects.
We focused on the design of streams, active participation, and interactivity to maintain engagement. The platform was simple and intuitive to maintain people’s attention.
The major discovery of this project is a dynamic iframe, which allowed us to communicate with the participants. Now, every aspect in more detail.
Conference Platform — Digital Twin
The Digital Twin is our standard product for online events. Basically, it’s an assembly kit: the logic of interaction with the participant, a set of sections and days, and the structure of pages. The platform framework is assembled from these building blocks, and then we add design, interactive elements, and custom modules.

For the "Sports and Society" conference, we made the shortest customer journey from the entrance to the streams. The navigation has been moved to the main screen and duplicated in the header for people used to interacting with websites this way.
Interactivity During Streams
Usually, online conferences get little attention because of cleaning, children, or work. It happens because the format is passive. So, organisers lose the audience, and the participants lose potential benefits.

We used interactive formats for the “Sports and Society” conference: reactions, voting, a game to influence a speaker’s presentation. All of this is right in the live stream player and in an additional frame.
Such activities motivate a participant to follow the conference closely and actively take part in it.

Talk to Speakers in Private Rooms
The easiest way to engage the audience is to let them take part in the conference. This way, people feel their importance, start discussions, and build social connections.
This is especially true when the goal is to create a community, as at the "Sports and Society" conference.

As a result, over a quarter of all live streams viewers went to the private rooms to chat with speakers informally and ask questions.
The conference "Sports and Society. Open Conversation" exceeded the target KPI 6 times over in the number of participants and 7 times over in the exhibition projects: 10−15 were expected, 78 were placed on the platform. Some of the projects were filtered out or received after the deadline, so there were more applications.
600 people

watched at least one stream
482 people

visited the project exhibition
40 people

were at the same time in a private room

conversion rate from website to registration

of participants noted that they’d share new information with colleagues

of the stream participants reached the private rooms in Zoom
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