Interactive Atlas of Professions to attract students to in-demand digital professions

Attract students via immersive and "lively" atlas of professions
Our clients Sber and HSE University were launching an interactive website where students, schoolchildren and young professionals can study the in-demand professions of the future in 12 areas. There they can find career guidance, discover what suits them best, and receive profile training.

There already was a concept for the city of future professions, and it needed to become vibrant and interactive.
User journey map in the interactive atlas
We anticipated possible scenarios of user behavior, and the partners from Tetraform design studio suggested several options for potential style, based on the customer’s references.
The current concept with the city has already been approved, so we proposed different stylistic solutions: both for the city itself and for the elements of navigation.
Layouts for pages of clusters and 50 professions
Each profession has its own cluster on the map. We set up simple navigation through additional pages. Prepared a universal template to quickly add new professions in the future.
City map assembled with ready-made and refined elements
To speed up the work, we used ready-made elements for architecture and city decor, then refined their appearance according to customer requirements. The streets were widened than in reality, to make it easier for users to separate clusters from one another.

Each cluster was assembled separately, then merged into the map and added details: people, transport, parks and road markings.
Animated metaphorical images of the clusters
For each cluster we invented a metaphorical image, which was integrated into the landscape of the city and animated to bring it life. Now the Atlas is interesting to explore not only for practical benefit, but also out of curiosity.

After the tests, complex animations were abandoned in order not to overload the site and reduce its loading time. The final version of Atlas does not include these animations.
Script for a virtual assistant
Our client Sber has a family of virtual assistants, ‘Salute', that help users on the websites, with services and products of the company. There were no plans to integrate them into Atlas, as it didn’t fit into the timeline. So we wrote a simple script ourselves for navigating and answering questions. This made Atlas even more ‘lifelike'.
If the user gets lost in the number of clusters and professions, the assistant offers career guidance.
500 000+ students are attracted to the on-demand professions via Atlas
The interactive atlas guides applicants, students, and young professionals through the most in-demand professions of the future.
Contact us if you have questions or you need
a customised solution